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Measurements with RMS programmable display average

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True RMS voltage L1, L2, L3

True RMS voltage between phases L1-2, L2-3, L3-1

True RMS and PK intensity with autoscale L1, L2, L3

Neutral intensity

Line frequency L1, L2, L3

Apparent power L1, L2, L3, ∑L123

Active power L1, L2, L3, ∑L123

Reactive inductive power L1, L2, L3, ∑L123

Reactive capacitive power L1, L2, L3, ∑L123

Power factor L1, L2, L3

Active power W L1, L2, L3, (Maximter-integration programmable from 10 sec. to 15 min.)

Imported active energy counters L1, L2, L3, ∑L123 from 0000000,00001 to 9999999,99999 KWh

Exported active energy counters L1, L2, L3, ∑L123 from 0000000,00001 to 9999999,99999 KWh

Reactive energy counters L1, L2, L3, ∑L123 from 0000000,00001 to 9999999,99999 KQh

Depending on software and model, different protections / alarms, measurements, connections and characteristics are included. (Consult the corresponding manual and synoptic table of characteristics).